Dr. med. Franziska Ullrich (née Flessner)

Date/place of birth: 1984 in Potsdam-Babelsberg
Family status: married, two children
Nationality: German


  • 2004-2007
    Nurse, St. Hedwig Hospital Berlin
  • 2008-2009
    Studynurse, KKS Charité Berlin
  • 2009-2016
    Study of Medicine, Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Professional Experience

  • 2007-2009
    Full-time employment as Nurse, St. Josefs Hospital Potsdam
  • 2008-2009
    Study nurse at St. Hedwig Hospital Berlin (urology) and at St. Josefs Hospital Potsdam (gastroenterology)
  • 2009-2016
    Nurse in the emergency room at St. Elisabeth & St. Barbara Hospital Halle/Saale
  • 2015-2016
    Study nurse at the University Hospital Halle/Saale
  • 2017-2021
    Resident in dermatological practice (head Prof. Dr. Asadullah), Potsdam


  • 2019
    Meaningfulness of a biological marker (advanced glycation endproducts) measured by noninvasiv skin scan (autofluorescence measurement) in geriatric-oncological patients.
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